Numobag® Case Study – Electrical Burns

The patient suffered extensive 3rd degree burns as a result of an electrical current.

Wounds at the beginning of treatment.

Comparison of wounds at the beginning of treatment and after 4 weeks of THOT® (Topical Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)

Wound #1 at the beginning of THOT®
Wound #1 after 4 weeks of THOT®
Wound #2 at the beginning of THOT®
Wound #2 after 4 weeks of THOT®
Wound #4 at the beginning of THOT®
Wound #4 after 4 weeks of THOT®
Wound #5 at the beginning of THOT®
Wound #5 after 4 weeks of THOT®
Wound #10 at beginning of THOT®
Wound #10 after 4 weeks of THOT®